Sendmail fixkit

David Brownlee (
Sat, 25 Feb 1995 10:43:19 +0000 (GMT)

	Just had a quick look & it looks good, but one question...

	Disallowing mailaddresses with '/' in is going to blow away any
	gatewayd X.400 adresses = ie

	which is the form people here use to get to X.400 addresses.
	(I know.. X.400 sucks, but we need to be able to get the header 
	thru to a machine which understands X.400 & can deal with the

		David (MIME).  Network Analyst  {post,host}master  abs.
              (>=-=<)   Telephone: (+44) 171 477 8186.   (>=-=<)
  Computing Services, City University, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB.
      / Monochrome - biggest UK internet BBS - telnet \

On Fri, 24 Feb 1995, *Hobbit* wrote:

> I'm still not completely happy with Sendmail 8.6.10.
> In fact I wasn't happy with 8.6.9, and was right in the middle of working up
> a "fix kit" for it to firm up various holey-looking bits, when this whole
> 8.6.9 identd/environment/argument thing came down.
> Fortunately the fix-kit was fairly easy to adapt to 8.6.10, and is now
> available for public consumption in
> I am willing to bet that even if Sendmail 8.6.11 comes out within days, it
> will not address the potential problems I've been busy digging up.
> Of note is the fact that the new string-sanity functions in the stock 8.6.10
> check for newlines, but NOT RETURNS.  The fix-kit addresses this.
> There are fix-kits for other popular packages here too.  Pull down
> /src/fixkits/README for an overview.  Be patient in your downloads;
> is on the wrong end of a semi-slow link.
> _H*